Brain Region/Organism: Mouse

  1. A NN with synaptic depression for testing the effects of connectivity on dynamics (Jacob et al 2019)
  2. Acetylcholine-modulated plasticity in reward-driven navigation (Zannone et al 2018)
  3. Ave. neuron model for slow-wave sleep in cortex Tatsuki 2016 Yoshida 2018 Rasmussen 2017 (all et al)
  4. BK - CaV coupling (Montefusco et al. 2017)
  5. CA1 network model for place cell dynamics (Turi et al 2019)
  6. CA1 pyramidal neuron: nonlinear a5-GABAAR controls synaptic NMDAR activation (Schulz et al 2018)
  7. CA1 pyramidal populations after high frequency head impacts (Chapman, et al., 2023)
  8. Compartmental differences in cAMP signaling pathways in hippocam. CA1 pyr. cells (Luczak et al 2017)
  9. Decorrelation in the developing visual thalamus (Tikidji-Hamburyan et al, 2023)
  10. Depolarization Enhacement of Dendritic Spike Propagation (Bock et al 2022)
  11. Development and Binocular Matching of Orientation Selectivity in Visual Cortex (Xu et al 2020)
  12. DRG neuron models investigate how ion channel levels regulate firing properties (Zheng et al 2019)
  13. DRG nociceptors from wild-type and Fhf2-KO mice. Fhf2 gene knockout blocks heat nociception. (Marra et al., 2023)
  14. Electrical properties of dendritic spines (Popovic et al. 2015)
  15. Factors contribution to GDP-induced [Cl-]i transients (Lombardi et al 2019)
  16. Fitting predictive coding to the neurophysiological data (Spratling 2019)
  17. Hippocampal CA1 microcircuit model including somatic and dendritic inhibition (Bilash et al, 2023)
  18. Hippocampal O-LM interneurons and hippocampo-septal neurons with simplified and detailed biophysics (Takács et al, 2024)
  19. Hybrid NEURON-COMSOL sciatic nerve model with extracellular TIME stimulation (Xie et al, accepted)
  20. L2/3 Dendritic Morphology (Landau et al., 2022)
  21. L4 cortical barrel NN model receiving thalamic input during whisking or touch (Gutnisky et al. 2017)
  22. MEC PV-positive fast-spiking interneuron network generates theta-nested fast oscillations
  23. Model for concentration invariant odor coding based on primacy hypothesis (Wilson et al 2017)
  24. Molecular layer interneurons in cerebellum encode valence in associative learning (Ma et al 2020)
  25. Mouse colorectal afferent ending (Feng et al 2015)
  26. Multiscale model of primary motor cortex circuits predicts in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al 2023)
  27. Neuromechanical Model of Rat Hindlimb Walking with Two-Layer CPGs (Deng et al, 2019)
  28. Particle-Swarm Based Modelling Reveals Two Distinct Classes of CRH^{PVN} Neurons (Lameu et al 2022)
  29. Phenomenological model of the mouse circadian pacemaker (Cao et al., 2022)
  30. Role of the AIS in the control of spontaneous frequency of dopaminergic neurons (Meza et al 2017)
  31. Striatum D1 Striosome and Matrix Upstates (Prager et al., 2020)
  32. Systematic integration of data into multi-scale models of mouse primary V1 (Billeh et al 2020)
  33. The ventricular AP and effects of the isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy (Sengul et al 2020)
  34. The Virtual Mouse Brain (TVMB) (Melozzi et al. 2017)
  35. V1 and AL spiking neural network for visual contrast response in mouse (Meijer et al. 2020)
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