A mathematical model of a neurovascular unit (Dormanns et al 2015, 2016) (Farrs & David 2011)

Farr H, David T. (2011). Models of neurovascular coupling via potassium and EET signalling. Journal of theoretical biology. 286 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Farr H · David T

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Nizar K et al. (2013). In vivo stimulus-induced vasodilation occurs without IP3 receptor activation and may precede astrocytic calcium increase. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 33 [PubMed]

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Rzigalinski BA, Blackmore PF, Rosenthal MD. (1996). Arachidonate mobilization is coupled to depletion of intracellular calcium stores and influx of extracellular calcium in differentiated U937 cells. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1299 [PubMed]

Rücker M, Strobel O, Vollmar B, Roesken F, Menger MD. (2000). Vasomotion in critically perfused muscle protects adjacent tissues from capillary perfusion failure. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 279 [PubMed]

Sakurai T, Terui N. (2006). Effects of sympathetically induced vasomotion on tissue-capillary fluid exchange. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 291 [PubMed]

Shaikh MA, Wall DJ, David T. (2012). Macro-scale phenomena of arterial coupled cells: a massively parallel simulation. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 9 [PubMed]

Stout CE, Costantin JL, Naus CC, Charles AC. (2002). Intercellular calcium signaling in astrocytes via ATP release through connexin hemichannels. The Journal of biological chemistry. 277 [PubMed]

Wu RS, Marx SO. (2010). The BK potassium channel in the vascular smooth muscle and kidney: a- and ß-subunits. Kidney international. 78 [PubMed]

Yang J, Clark JW, Bryan RM, Robertson CS. (2005). Mathematical modeling of the nitric oxide/cGMP pathway in the vascular smooth muscle cell. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 289 [PubMed]

Zlokovic BV. (2005). Neurovascular mechanisms of Alzheimer's neurodegeneration. Trends in neurosciences. 28 [PubMed]

Zonta M et al. (2003). Neuron-to-astrocyte signaling is central to the dynamic control of brain microcirculation. Nature neuroscience. 6 [PubMed]

Zou AP et al. (1996). 20-HETE is an endogenous inhibitor of the large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel in renal arterioles. The American journal of physiology. 270 [PubMed]

Østby I et al. (2009). Astrocytic mechanisms explaining neural-activity-induced shrinkage of extraneuronal space. PLoS computational biology. 5 [PubMed]

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See more from authors: Dormanns K · Brown RG · David T

References and models cited by this paper

Andersen OS, Krishnamurthy V, Chung S-H. (2007). Biological Membrane Ion Channels: Dynamics, Structure, and Applications.

Attwell D et al. (2010). Glial and neuronal control of brain blood flow. Nature. 468 [PubMed]

Barrio LC, Capel J, Jarillo JA, Castro C, Revilla A. (1997). Species-specific voltage-gating properties of connexin-45 junctions expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Biophysical journal. 73 [PubMed]

Berridge MJ. (2008). Smooth muscle cell calcium activation mechanisms. The Journal of physiology. 586 [PubMed]

Carlson BE, Beard DA. (2011). Mechanical control of cation channels in the myogenic response. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 301 [PubMed]

Chang JC et al. (2013). A mathematical model of the metabolic and perfusion effects on cortical spreading depression. PloS one. 8 [PubMed]

Charles AC et al. (1992). Intercellular calcium signaling via gap junctions in glioma cells. The Journal of cell biology. 118 [PubMed]

Chen BR, Bouchard MB, McCaslin AF, Burgess SA, Hillman EM. (2011). High-speed vascular dynamics of the hemodynamic response. NeuroImage. 54 [PubMed]

Comerford A, David T. (2008). Computer model of nucleotide transport in a realistic porcine aortic trifurcation. Annals of biomedical engineering. 36 [PubMed]

Comerford A, Plank MJ, David T. (2008). Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and calcium production in arterial geometries: an integrated fluid mechanics/cell model. Journal of biomechanical engineering. 130 [PubMed]

Cui J, Cox DH, Aldrich RW. (1997). Intrinsic voltage dependence and Ca2+ regulation of mslo large conductance Ca-activated K+ channels. The Journal of general physiology. 109 [PubMed]

David T. (2003). Wall shear stress modulation of ATP/ADP concentration at the endothelium. Annals of biomedical engineering. 31 [PubMed]

Diep HK, Vigmond EJ, Segal SS, Welsh DG. (2005). Defining electrical communication in skeletal muscle resistance arteries: a computational approach. The Journal of physiology. 568 [PubMed]

Drewes LR. (2012). Making connexons in the neurovascular unit. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 32 [PubMed]

Dunn KM, Hill-Eubanks DC, Liedtke WB, Nelson MT. (2013). TRPV4 channels stimulate Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in astrocytic endfeet and amplify neurovascular coupling responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110 [PubMed]

Edwards FR, Hirst GD, Silverberg GD. (1988). Inward rectification in rat cerebral arterioles; involvement of potassium ions in autoregulation. The Journal of physiology. 404 [PubMed]

Endo M, Tanaka M, Ogawa Y. (1970). Calcium induced release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skinned skeletal muscle fibres. Nature. 228 [PubMed]

Farias M, Gorman MW, Savage MV, Feigl EO. (2005). Plasma ATP during exercise: possible role in regulation of coronary blood flow. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 288 [PubMed]

Farr H, David T. (2011). Models of neurovascular coupling via potassium and EET signalling. Journal of theoretical biology. 286 [PubMed]

Filosa JA, Blanco VM. (2007). Neurovascular coupling in the mammalian brain. Experimental physiology. 92 [PubMed]

Filosa JA, Bonev AD, Nelson MT. (2004). Calcium dynamics in cortical astrocytes and arterioles during neurovascular coupling. Circulation research. 95 [PubMed]

Filosa JA et al. (2006). Local potassium signaling couples neuronal activity to vasodilation in the brain. Nature neuroscience. 9 [PubMed]

Fujii K, Heistad DD, Faraci FM. (1990). Ionic mechanisms in spontaneous vasomotion of the rat basilar artery in vivo. The Journal of physiology. 430 [PubMed]

Gebremedhin D et al. (2000). Production of 20-HETE and its role in autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. Circulation research. 87 [PubMed]

Girouard H, Iadecola C. (2006). Neurovascular coupling in the normal brain and in hypertension, stroke, and Alzheimer disease. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 100 [PubMed]

Goldbeter A, Dupont G, Berridge MJ. (1990). Minimal model for signal-induced Ca2+ oscillations and for their frequency encoding through protein phosphorylation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87 [PubMed]

Gonzalez-Fernandez JM, Ermentrout B. (1994). On the origin and dynamics of the vasomotion of small arteries. Mathematical biosciences. 119 [PubMed]

Gore RW, Davis MJ. (1984). Mechanics of smooth muscle in isolated single microvessels. Annals of biomedical engineering. 12 [PubMed]

Haddock RE et al. (2006). Endothelial coordination of cerebral vasomotion via myoendothelial gap junctions containing connexins 37 and 40. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 291 [PubMed]

Hadfield J, Plank MJ, David T. (2013). Modeling secondary messenger pathways in neurovascular coupling. Bulletin of mathematical biology. 75 [PubMed]

Hai CM, Murphy RA. (1989). Ca2+, crossbridge phosphorylation, and contraction. Annual review of physiology. 51 [PubMed]

Hamel E. (2006). Perivascular nerves and the regulation of cerebrovascular tone. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 100 [PubMed]

Harder DR, Roman RJ, Gebremedhin D. (2000). Molecular mechanisms controlling nutritive blood flow: role of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Acta physiologica Scandinavica. 168 [PubMed]

Iadecola C. (2004). Neurovascular regulation in the normal brain and in Alzheimer's disease. Nature reviews. Neuroscience. 5 [PubMed]

Kapela A, Bezerianos A, Tsoukias NM. (2008). A mathematical model of Ca2+ dynamics in rat mesenteric smooth muscle cell: agonist and NO stimulation. Journal of theoretical biology. 253 [PubMed]

Keizer J, De Young GW. (1992). Two roles of Ca2+ in agonist stimulated Ca2+ oscillations. Biophysical journal. 61 [PubMed]

Koenigsberger M, Sauser R, Bény JL, Meister JJ. (2005). Role of the endothelium on arterial vasomotion. Biophysical journal. 88 [PubMed]

Koenigsberger M, Sauser R, Bény JL, Meister JJ. (2006). Effects of arterial wall stress on vasomotion. Biophysical journal. 91 [PubMed]

Lecrux C, Hamel E. (2011). The neurovascular unit in brain function and disease. Acta physiologica (Oxford, England). 203 [PubMed]

Lindauer U, Megow D, Matsuda H, Dirnagl U. (1999). Nitric oxide: a modulator, but not a mediator, of neurovascular coupling in rat somatosensory cortex. The American journal of physiology. 277 [PubMed]

Nagelhus EA et al. (1999). Immunogold evidence suggests that coupling of K+ siphoning and water transport in rat retinal Müller cells is mediated by a coenrichment of Kir4.1 and AQP4 in specific membrane domains. Glia. 26 [PubMed]

Nizar K et al. (2013). In vivo stimulus-induced vasodilation occurs without IP3 receptor activation and may precede astrocytic calcium increase. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 33 [PubMed]

Parthimos D, Edwards DH, Griffith TM. (1999). Minimal model of arterial chaos generated by coupled intracellular and membrane Ca2+ oscillators. The American journal of physiology. 277 [PubMed]

Rivadulla C, de Labra C, Grieve KL, Cudeiro J. (2011). Vasomotion and neurovascular coupling in the visual thalamus in vivo. PloS one. 6 [PubMed]

Roy CS, Sherrington CS. (1890). On the Regulation of the Blood-supply of the Brain. The Journal of physiology. 11 [PubMed]

Rzigalinski BA, Blackmore PF, Rosenthal MD. (1996). Arachidonate mobilization is coupled to depletion of intracellular calcium stores and influx of extracellular calcium in differentiated U937 cells. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1299 [PubMed]

Rücker M, Strobel O, Vollmar B, Roesken F, Menger MD. (2000). Vasomotion in critically perfused muscle protects adjacent tissues from capillary perfusion failure. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 279 [PubMed]

Sakurai T, Terui N. (2006). Effects of sympathetically induced vasomotion on tissue-capillary fluid exchange. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 291 [PubMed]

Shaikh MA, Wall DJ, David T. (2012). Macro-scale phenomena of arterial coupled cells: a massively parallel simulation. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 9 [PubMed]

Stout CE, Costantin JL, Naus CC, Charles AC. (2002). Intercellular calcium signaling in astrocytes via ATP release through connexin hemichannels. The Journal of biological chemistry. 277 [PubMed]

Wu RS, Marx SO. (2010). The BK potassium channel in the vascular smooth muscle and kidney: a- and ß-subunits. Kidney international. 78 [PubMed]

Yang J, Clark JW, Bryan RM, Robertson CS. (2005). Mathematical modeling of the nitric oxide/cGMP pathway in the vascular smooth muscle cell. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 289 [PubMed]

Zlokovic BV. (2005). Neurovascular mechanisms of Alzheimer's neurodegeneration. Trends in neurosciences. 28 [PubMed]

Zonta M et al. (2003). Neuron-to-astrocyte signaling is central to the dynamic control of brain microcirculation. Nature neuroscience. 6 [PubMed]

Zou AP et al. (1996). 20-HETE is an endogenous inhibitor of the large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel in renal arterioles. The American journal of physiology. 270 [PubMed]

Østby I et al. (2009). Astrocytic mechanisms explaining neural-activity-induced shrinkage of extraneuronal space. PLoS computational biology. 5 [PubMed]

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