" ...Currently, no mechanistic framework describes how network dynamics, glutamate, and serotonin interact to explain MDD symptoms and treatments. Here, we built a biophysical computational model of 2 areas (vACC and dlPFC) that can switch between emotional and cognitive processing. (Major Depression Disease) MDD networks were simulated by slowing glutamate decay in vACC and demonstrated sustained vACC activation. ..."
Model Type: Realistic Network; Connectionist Network
Region(s) or Organism(s): Prefrontal cortex (PFC)
Cell Type(s): Abstract integrate-and-fire leaky neuron
Transmitters: Serotonin; Glutamate
Model Concept(s): Activity Patterns; Deep brain stimulation; Oscillations; Gamma oscillations; Major Depression Disease (MDD); Beta oscillations
Simulation Environment: Brian (web link to model)
Implementer(s): Ramirez-Mahaluf, Juan P [jpramirezmahaluf at gmail.com]
Ramirez-Mahaluf JP, Roxin A, Mayberg HS, Compte A. (2017). A Computational Model of Major Depression: the Role of Glutamate Dysfunction on Cingulo-Frontal Network Dynamics. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 27 [PubMed]