"Recent experimental studies show cortical circuit responses to external stimuli display varied dynamical properties. These include stimulus strength-dependent population response patterns, a shift from synchronous to asynchronous states and a decline in neural variability. To elucidate the mechanisms underlying these response properties and explore how they are mechanistically related, we develop a neural circuit model that incorporates two essential features widely observed in the cerebral cortex. The first feature is a balance between excitatory and inhibitory inputs to individual neurons; the second feature is distance-dependent connectivity. We show that applying a weak external stimulus to the model evokes a wave pattern propagating along lateral connections, but a strong external stimulus triggers a localized pattern; these stimulus strength-dependent population response patterns are quantitatively comparable with those measured in experimental studies. ..."
Model Type: Realistic Network
Cell Type(s): Abstract integrate-and-fire leaky neuron
Model Concept(s): Activity Patterns
Simulation Environment: C or C++ program (web link to model)
Implementer(s): Keane, Adam ; Gong, Pulin [pulin.gong at sydney.edu.au]
Keane A, Henderson JA, Gong P. (2018). Dynamical patterns underlying response properties of cortical circuits. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 15 [PubMed]