How adaptation makes low firing rates robust (Sherman & Ha 2017)


a 1
b 3.5
c 1
d 5.5
eps 0.0005
I0 -10.0
I1 5.0
phi 0.1
s 40
theta 0.13
tstart 2000
xbar -0.55


a 1
b 3.5
c 1
d 5.5
eps 0.0005
I 6
phi 0.1
theta 0.13
z 0


a 1
b 3.5
c 1
d 5.5
eps 0.0005
I0 -10.0
I1 5.0
phi 0.1
s 22
theta 0
tstart 2000
xbar -1.11


a 1
b 3.5
c 1
d 5.5
eps 0.0005
I 1
phi 0.1
s 22
w -1.11
z 0


cm 22
eps 0.0001
gca 4
gk 8
gl 2
gz 4
I 41
phi 0.0666667
s 2
v1 -1.2
v2 18
v3 12
v4 17
vbar -17
vca 120
vk -84
vl -60
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