Matlab code to simulate a population of grid cells that exhibit both a rate and phase code for location in 1D or 2D environments, and are modulated by a human hippocampal LFP signal with highly variable frequency; then subsequently decode location, running speed, movement direction and an arbitrary fourth variable from population firing rates and phases in each oscillatory cycle.
Model Type: Realistic Network
Region(s) or Organism(s): Entorhinal cortex; Hippocampus
Model Concept(s): Grid cell; Place cell/field; Theta oscillations; Spatial Navigation; Temporal Coding
Simulation Environment: MATLAB
Implementer(s): Bush, Daniel [drdanielbush @]
Bush D, Burgess N. (2020). Advantages and detection of phase coding in the absence of rhythmicity. Hippocampus. 30 [PubMed]