The maintenance of the contextual information has been shown to be sensitive to changes in excitation-inhbition (EI) balance. We constructed a multi-structure, biophysically-realistic agent that could perform context-integration as is assessed by the dot probe expectancy task. The agent included a perceptual network, a working memory network, and a decision making system and was capable of successfully performing the dot probe expectancy task. Systemic manipulation of the agent’s EI balance produced localized dysfunction of the memory structure, which resulted in schizophrenia-like deficits at context integration.
Model Type: Agent-based model
Region(s) or Organism(s): Prefrontal cortex (PFC)
Cell Type(s): Abstract integrate-and-fire leaky neuron
Currents: I Na, leak
Model Concept(s): Working memory; Attractor Neural Network
Simulation Environment: Python
Calvin OL, Redish AD. (2021). Global disruption in excitation-inhibition balance can cause localized network dysfunction and Schizophrenia-like context-integration deficits PLoS computational biology. 17 [PubMed]