Model Concept: Working memory

A short term memory that is used to store short sequences for example telephone numbers (when trying to remember one for the first time), sentences just heard or read, or the current spatial placement of objects.

  1. A spiking model of cortical broadcast and competition (Shanahan 2008)
  2. Alternative time representation in dopamine models (Rivest et al. 2009)
  3. AOB mitral cell: persistent activity without feedback (Zylbertal et al., 2015)
  4. Bump Attractor Models: Delayed Response & Recognition Span - spatial condition (Ibanez et al 2019)
  5. Ca+/HCN channel-dependent persistent activity in multiscale model of neocortex (Neymotin et al 2016)
  6. CA1 pyramidal neurons: binding properties and the magical number 7 (Migliore et al. 2008)
  7. Distributed working memory in large-scale macaque brain model (Mejias and Wang, 2022)
  8. Effect of cortical D1 receptor sensitivity on working memory maintenance (Reneaux & Gupta 2018)
  9. Effects of Guanfacine and Phenylephrine on a model of working memory (Duggins et al 2017)
  10. Fronto-parietal visuospatial WM model with HH cells (Edin et al 2007)
  11. Inhibitory control by an integral feedback signal in prefrontal cortex (Miller and Wang 2006)
  12. Irregular spiking in NMDA-driven prefrontal cortex neurons (Durstewitz and Gabriel 2006)
  13. L5 PFC microcircuit used to study persistent activity (Papoutsi et al. 2014, 2013)
  14. Large-scale neural model of visual short-term memory (Ulloa, Horwitz 2016; Horwitz, et al. 2005,...)
  15. Leaky Integrate and Fire Neuron Model of Context Integration (Calvin, Redish 2021)
  16. Model of CA1 activity during working memory task (Spera et al. 2016)
  17. Model of working memory based on negative derivative feedback (Lim and Goldman, 2013)
  18. Myelin dystrophy in the aging prefrontal cortex leads to impaired signal transmission and working memory in a multiscale model of the aging prefrontal cortex (Ibañez, Sengupta et al., accepted)
  19. NMDAR & GABAB/KIR Give Bistable Dendrites: Working Memory & Sequence Readout (Sanders et al., 2013)
  20. Persistent Spiking in ACC Neurons (Ratte et al 2018)
  21. Spikes,synchrony,and attentive learning by laminar thalamocort. circuits (Grossberg & Versace 2007)
  22. Storing serial order in intrinsic excitability: a working memory model (Conde-Sousa & Aguiar 2013)
  23. Working memory circuit with branched dendrites (Morita 2008)
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