Cat Locomotion and Paw-Shaking Central Pattern Generator Model (Parker et al 2021)

We suggest that the cat paw-shaking response is generated as a transient response of the locomotor CPG. Our general prediction is that this CPG is multifunctional, and in addition to the locomotor rhythm, it can generate a transient, ten-times faster, paw-shake-like response to a stimulus. In our multistable half-center oscillator (HCO) CPG model, we applied perturbations to the locomotor pattern which resulted in a transient paw-shake-like pattern that eventually returned back to the locomotor pattern. We showed that the inactivation of the slow inward current that drives the locomotor rhythm produced asymmetry of the transient flexor and extensor activity in a symmetric HCO model. To test predictions from our model about the transient nature of the paw-shake response, we compared burst durations (BDs) and interburst intervals (IBIs) of the model half-centers in consecutive cycles of paw-shake-like responses with the with the BD and IBI of electromyographic (EMG) activity bursts of cat hindlimb flexors and extensors recorded during a paw-shake response. In both cases, we found similar asymmetric trends in the BD and IBI throughout a paw-shake response.

Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell

Simulation Environment: C or C++ program


Parker JR, Klishko AN, Prilutsky BI, Cymbalyuk GS. (2021). Asymmetric and transient properties of reciprocal activity of antagonists during the paw-shake response in the cat PLoS computational biology. 17 [PubMed]

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