Model for pusatile insulin secretion at basal levels of glucose (Fletcher et al, 2022)


atot 3000
B 10
bas_r3 0.075
famp 0.0200
fatp 20.00
fbt 20.00
ffbp 0.200
fmt 20.00
G_bas 3
G_max 10
gca 1000
gk 2700.000
gkatpbar 26000.00
gkca 500
k1 30.000
k2 1.000
k3 50000
k4 1000.000
kaf 10
kcam 400.00
kCaPDH 200.0
kd 0.5
kgk 8.0
kkm 0.0
ko 5.0
Kp 2.3
kpfk 0.040
kpmca 0.1
kserca 0.2
ktt 1.00
ky 25.0
nkca 4
nupmca 0.04
nuserca 0.35
pleak 0.00020
r 0.750
r20 0.015
r30 1.205
tau 900000
taua 300000
tauaf 50000
tpulse 1800000
vaf 8
vgk 0.0070
vhyd 5.000
vhydbas 1
vmd 0.0055
vpdh 0.01250
vpfk 0.00750
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