CA1 pyramidal cell: I_NaP and I_M contributions to somatic bursting (Golomb et al 2006)


ac 6
aq 2
gA 1.4
gCa 0.08
gKCa 10.0
gKdr 6.0
gL 0.05
gNa 35.0
gNaP 0.2
gZ 1.0
Iapp 1.0
phi 10.0
sigmap 3.0
tauCa 13
tauKc 2
tauq 450
tauRs 1.0
tauZs 75.0
thetah -45.0
thetan -35.0
thetap -41.0
thetaz -39.0
uuCa 0.13
VK -90.0
VL -70.0


gA 1.4
gKdr 6.0
gL 0.05
gNa 35.0
gNaP 0.3
gZ 1.0
Iapp 0.661914
phi 10.0
sigmap 3.0
tauZs 75.0
thetah -45.0
thetam -30.0
thetan -35.0
thetap -47.0
thetaz -39.0
VK -90.0
VL -70.0
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