Rosenbaum R et al. (2014). Axonal and synaptic failure suppress the transfer of firing rate oscillations, synchrony and information during high frequency deep brain stimulation. Neurobiology of disease . 62 [PubMed ]
See more from authors:
Rosenbaum R
Zimnik A
Zheng F
Turner RS
Alzheimer C
Doiron B
Rubin JE
References and models cited by this paper
References and models that cite this paper
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Muddapu VR, Mandali A, Chakravarthy VS, Ramaswamy S. (2019). A Computational Model of Loss of Dopaminergic Cells in Parkinson's Disease Due to Glutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity. Frontiers in neural circuits . 13 [PubMed ]
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