Onorato I et al. (2020). A Distinct Class of Bursting Neurons with Strong Gamma Synchronization and Stimulus Selectivity in Monkey V1. Neuron. 105 [PubMed]
See more from authors:
Onorato I
Neuenschwander S
Hoy J
Lima B
Rocha KS
Broggini AC
Uran C
Spyropoulos G
Klon-Lipok J
Womelsdorf T
Fries P
Niell C
Singer W
Vinck M
References and models cited by this paper
References and models that cite this paper
Mosher CP et al. (2020). Cellular Classes in the Human Brain Revealed In Vivo by Heartbeat-Related Modulation of the Extracellular Action Potential Waveform. Cell reports. 30 [PubMed]
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