Ungless MA, Whistler JL, Malenka RC, Bonci A. (2001). Single cocaine exposure in vivo induces long-term potentiation in dopamine neurons. Nature. 411 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Ungless MA · Whistler JL · Malenka RC · Bonci A

References and models cited by this paper
References and models that cite this paper

Canavier CC, Landry RS. (2006). An increase in AMPA and a decrease in SK conductance increase burst firing by different mechanisms in a model of a dopamine neuron in vivo. Journal of neurophysiology. 96 [PubMed]

Ortner NJ et al. (2017). Lower Affinity of Isradipine for L-Type Ca2+ Channels during Substantia Nigra Dopamine Neuron-Like Activity: Implications for Neuroprotection in Parkinson's Disease. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 37 [PubMed]

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