"... It was recently proposed that at onset of an (Action Potential) AP the soma and the (Axon Initial Segment) AIS form a dipole. We study the extracellular signature (the extracellular action potential, EAP) generated by such a dipole. First, we demonstrate the formation of the dipole and its extracellular signature in detailed morphological models of a reconstructed pyramidal neuron. Then, we study the EAP waveform and its spatial dependence in models with axonal AP initiation and contrast it with the EAP obtained in models with somatic AP initiation. We show that in the models with axonal AP initiation the dipole forms between somatodendritic compartments and the AIS, and not between soma and dendrites as in the classical models. ..."
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell; Axon; Extracellular
Model Concept(s): Action Potentials; Action Potential Initiation; Axonal Action Potentials; Extracellular Fields
Simulation Environment: Python (web link to model); NEURON (web link to model)
Implementer(s): Telenczuk, Maria [mtelenczuk at unic.cnrs-gif.fr]; Telenczuk, Bartosz [bartosz.telenczuk at inaf.cnrs-gif.fr]
Teleńczuk M, Brette R, Destexhe A, Teleńczuk B. (2018). Contribution of the Axon Initial Segment to Action Potentials Recorded Extracellularly. eNeuro. 5 [PubMed]