CA1 pyramidal populations after high frequency head impacts (Chapman, et al., 2023)

"... we generated in silico models of CA1 pyramidal neurons from current clamp data of control mice and mice that sustained HFHI. We use a directed evolution algorithm with a crowding penalty to generate a large and unbiased population of plausible models for each group that approximated the experimental features. The HFHI neuron model population showed decreased voltage gated sodium conductance and a general increase in potassium channel conductance. We used partial least squares regression analysis to identify combinations of channels that may account for CA1 hypoexcitability after HFHI. The hypoexcitability phenotype in models was linked to A- and M-type potassium channels in combination, but not by any single channel correlations. We provide an open access set of CA1 pyramidal neuron models for both control and HFHI conditions that can be used to predict the effects of pharmacological interventions in TBI models."

Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell; Statistical learning model; Synapse

Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus; Mouse

Cell Type(s): Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal GLU cell

Currents: I h; I CAN; I K,Ca; I Potassium; I Sodium; I Calcium; I M

Model Concept(s): Action Potentials; Detailed Neuronal Models; Methods

Simulation Environment: NEURON; BluePyOpt ; eFEL


Chapman DP, Vicini S, Burns MP, Evans R. (2023). Single Neuron Modeling Identifies Potassium Channel Modulation as Potential Target for Repetitive Head Impacts Neuroinformatics. [PubMed]

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