"In an effort to design a simulation environment that is more similar to that of neurophysiology, we introduce a virtual slice setup in the NEURON simulator. The virtual slice setup runs continuously and permits parameter changes, including changes to synaptic weights and time course and to intrinsic cell properties. The virtual slice setup permits shocks to be applied at chosen locations and activity to be sampled intra- or extracellularly from chosen locations. ..."
Model Type: Realistic Network; Extracellular
Simulation Environment: NEURON
Implementer(s): Lytton, William [bill.lytton at downstate.edu]; Neymotin, Sam [Samuel.Neymotin at nki.rfmh.org]
Lytton WW, Neymotin SA, Hines ML. (2008). The virtual slice setup. Journal of neuroscience methods. 171 [PubMed]