"A general mathematical approach was proposed to study phenomenological models of the inner-hair-cell and auditory-nerve (AN) synapse complex. Two models (Meddis, 1986; Westerman and Smith, 1988) were studied using this unified approach. The responses of both models to a constant-intensity stimulus were described mathematically, and the relationship between model parameters and response characteristics was investigated. ...". The paper then modifies these to make a more physiologically realistic model.
Model Type: Synapse
Cell Type(s): Auditory nerve
Model Concept(s): Audition
Simulation Environment: MATLAB (web link to model)
Implementer(s): Zhang, Xuedong
Zhang X, Carney LH. (2005). Analysis of models for the synapse between the inner hair cell and the auditory nerve. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118 [PubMed]