" ... Focusing on one of the most widely used ChR2 mutants (H134R) with enhanced current, we collected a comprehensive experimental data set of the response of this ion channel to different irradiances and voltages, and used these data to develop a model of ChR2 with empirically-derived voltage- and irradiance- dependence, where parameters were fine-tuned via simulated annealing optimization. This ChR2 model offers: 1) accurate inward rectification in the current-voltage response across irradiances; 2) empirically-derived voltage- and light-dependent kinetics (activation, deactivation and recovery from inactivation); and 3) accurate amplitude and morphology of the response across voltage and irradiance settings. Temperature-scaling factors (Q10) were derived and model kinetics was adjusted to physiological temperatures. ... "
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell
Cell Type(s): Cardiac atrial cell; Cardiac ventricular cell
Currents: Channelrhodopsin (ChR)
Model Concept(s): Ion Channel Kinetics; Methods
Simulation Environment: MATLAB (web link to model)
Williams JC et al. (2013). Computational optogenetics: empirically-derived voltage- and light-sensitive channelrhodopsin-2 model. PLoS computational biology. 9 [PubMed]