" ... The SENB software offers several advantages for teaching and learning electrophysiology. First, SENB offers ease and flexibility in determining the number of stimuli. Second, SENB allows immediate and simultaneous visualization, in the same window and time frame, of the evolution of the electrophysiological variables. Third, SENB calculates parameters such as time and space constants, stimuli frequency, cellular area and volume, sodium and potassium equilibrium potentials, and propagation velocity of the action potentials. ..."
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell
Cell Type(s): Squid axon
Model Concept(s): Tutorial/Teaching
Simulation Environment: NEURON (web link to model)
Implementer(s): Hernandez, Oscar E [ohernandezb at uninorte.edu.co]
Hernández OE, Zurek EE. (2013). Teaching and learning the Hodgkin-Huxley model based on software developed in NEURON's programming language hoc. BMC medical education. 13 [PubMed]