Model of Gq coupled signaling pathways underlying synaptic plasticity in striatal medium spiny projection neurons. Reactions and diffusion are implemented stochastically in a dendrite with one or more diffusionally coupled spines. Simulations demonstrate that theta burst stimulation, which produces LTP, increases the ratio of PKC:2AG as compared to 20 Hz stimulation, which produces LTD.
Model Type: Molecular Network
Cell Type(s): Neostriatum medium spiny direct pathway GABA cell
Receptors: mGluR1
Model Concept(s): Synaptic Plasticity; Signaling pathways
Simulation Environment: NeuroRD
Implementer(s): Blackwell, Avrama [avrama at]
Kim B, Hawes SL, Gillani F, Wallace LJ, Blackwell KT. (2013). Signaling pathways involved in striatal synaptic plasticity are sensitive to temporal pattern and exhibit spatial specificity. PLoS computational biology. 9 [PubMed]