We tested the reproducibility and comparability of four astrocyte models (Manninen, Havela, Linne, 2017). Model by Dupont et al. (2011) was one of them, but we had to modify the model to get more similar results as in the original publication. We implemented and ran the modified model using Jupyter Notebook. Model code produces results of Figure 1 and Figures 3-5 in Manninen, Havela, Linne (2017).
Model Type: Glia
Region(s) or Organism(s): Generic
Cell Type(s): Astrocyte
Transmitters: Glutamate
Model Concept(s): Calcium dynamics; Oscillations; Signaling pathways
Simulation Environment: Python
Implementer(s): Manninen, Tiina [tiina.h.manninen at gmail.com]
Manninen T, Havela R, Linne M-L. (2017). Reproducibility and comparability of computational models for astrocyte calcium excitability Front. Neuroinform..
Dupont G, Lokenye EF, Challiss RA. (2011). A model for Ca2+ oscillations stimulated by the type 5 metabotropic glutamate receptor: an unusual mechanism based on repetitive, reversible phosphorylation of the receptor. Biochimie. 93 [PubMed]