"... Here, we describe a general computational method aiming at developing kinetic Markov-chain based models of NMDARs subtypes capable of reproducing various experimental results. These models are then used to make predictions on additional (non-obvious) properties and on their role in synaptic function under various physiological and pharmacological conditions. For the purpose of this book chapter, we will focus on the method used to develop a NMDAR model that includes pharmacological site of action of different compounds. Notably, this elementary model can subsequently be included in a neuron model (not described in detail here) to explore the impact of their differential distribution on synaptic functions."
Model Type: Synapse
Receptors: NMDA
Model Concept(s): Ion Channel Kinetics
Keller AF, Bouteiller JC, Berger TW. (2017). Development of a Computational Approach/Model to Explore NMDA Receptors Functions. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1677 [PubMed]