Nonlinear dynamical analysis of spinal motoneuron reveals effects of SK, CaL channels, and cell morphology on excitability, with implications for pathophysiology of ALS.
Region(s) or Organism(s): Spinal motoneuron
Currents: I L high threshold; I Calcium; I K,Ca; I Sodium; I Na,p; I Potassium; IK Skca; I N
Model Concept(s): Bifurcation; Excitability; Simplified Models
Simulation Environment: NEURON; XPPAUT
Implementer(s): Muhammad Moustafa; Mohamed H Mousa
Moustafa M, Mousa MH, Saad MS, Basha T, Elbasiouny SM. (2023). Bifurcation analysis of motoneuronal excitability mechanisms under normal and ALS conditions Frontiers in cellular neuroscience. 17 [PubMed]