"... Calcium influx time course and calcium extrusion rate were both in the same range for spines and dendrites when fitted with a dynamic multi-compartment model that included calcium binding kinetics and diffusion. In a subsequent analysis we used this model to investigate which parameters are critical determinants in spine calcium dynamics. The model confirmed the experimental findings: a higher SVR (surface-to-volume ratio) is not sufficient by itself to explain the faster rise time kinetics in spines, but only when paired with a lower buffer capacity in spines. Simulations at zero calcium-dye conditions show that calmodulin is more efficiently activated in spines, which indicates that spine morphology and buffering conditions in neocortical spines favor synaptic plasticity. ..."
Cell Type(s): Neocortex U1 L2/6 pyramidal intratelencephalic GLU cell
Model Concept(s): Calcium dynamics
Simulation Environment: CalC Calcium Calculator
Implementer(s): van Elburg, Ronald A.J. [R.van.Elburg at ai.rug.nl]
Cornelisse LN, van Elburg RA, Meredith RM, Yuste R, Mansvelder HD. (2007). High speed two-photon imaging of calcium dynamics in dendritic spines: consequences for spine calcium kinetics and buffer capacity. PloS one. 2 [PubMed]