Ritz R et al. (2013).Report from the 1st INCF workshop on validation of analysis methods, Stockholm, 2012. Technical report, INCF. Available at http:// archive.incf.org/documents/documents/workshop-reports/incf-workshop-on-validation-of-analysis-methods/at_download/2013_validation_report_interative.pdf.
See more from authors:
Ritz R
Grun S
Smith L
Nawrot M
Denker M
Hagen E
Franke F
Wachtler T
Einevoll G
Kerr J
Ness TB
Wójcik D
References and models cited by this paper
References and models that cite this paper
Cserpán D et al. (2017). Revealing the distribution of transmembrane currents along the dendritic tree of a neuron from extracellular recordings. eLife. 6 [PubMed]
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