Sridharan D, Levitin DJ, Menon V. (2008). A critical role for the right fronto-insular cortex in switching between central-executive and default-mode networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Sridharan D · Levitin DJ · Menon V

References and models cited by this paper
References and models that cite this paper

Noack R, Manjesh C, Ruszinko M, Siegelmann H, Kozma R. (2017). Resting state neural networks and energy metabolism 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

Sanda P et al. (2024). Cholinergic modulation supports dynamic switching of resting state networks through selective DMN suppression. PLoS computational biology. 20 [PubMed]

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