This model of the dendrodendritic mitral-granule synaptic network generates gamma and beta oscillations as a function of the granule cell excitability, which is represented by the granule cell resting membrane potential.
Model Type: Realistic Network; Dendrite
Region(s) or Organism(s): Olfactory bulb
Cell Type(s): Olfactory bulb main interneuron granule MC GABA cell; Olfactory bulb main interneuron granule TC GABA cell; Abstract integrate-and-fire leaky neuron
Currents: I N; I Sodium; I Calcium
Model Concept(s): Oscillations; Active Dendrites; Extracellular Fields; Calcium dynamics; Gamma oscillations; Beta oscillations; Olfaction
Simulation Environment: MATLAB
Implementer(s): Osinski, Boleslaw [boleszek at]
Osinski BL, Kay LM. (2016). Granule cell excitability regulates gamma and beta oscillations in a model of the olfactory bulb dendrodendritic microcircuit. Journal of neurophysiology. 116 [PubMed]