A simulated proposed single-cell mechanism for CA1’s behavior as an associative mismatch detector. Shifts in spiking mode (accomplished via KCNQ interaction with chloride leak currents) signal matches vs. mismatches.
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell; Predictive Coding Network
Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus
Currents: I M; I Cl, leak; I Na, slow inactivation
Receptors: Gaba; Glutamate; Cholinergic Receptors
Transmitters: Glutamate; Gaba; Acetylcholine
Model Concept(s): Activity Patterns; Coincidence Detection; Rate-coding model neurons; Bursting
Simulation Environment: Python
Implementer(s): Berteau, Stefan [berteau at bu.edu]
Berteau S, Bullock D. (2020). Simulations reveal how M-currents and memory-based inputs from CA3 enable single neuron mismatch detection for EC3 inputs to the CA1 subfield of hippocampus Journal of Neurophysiology, accepted.