We present three highly reduced conductance-based models for the core of the respiratory CPG. All successfully simulate respiratory outputs across eupnoeic and vagotomized conditions and show that loss of inhibition to the pontine Kolliker-Fuse nucleus reproduces the key respiratory alterations associated with Rett syndrome.
Model Type: Realistic Network
Region(s) or Organism(s): Brainstem
Currents: I Na,p
Receptors: AMPA; GabaA; Glycine
Transmitters: Glutamate; Gaba; Glycine
Model Concept(s): Respiratory control
Simulation Environment: XPPAUT; MATLAB
Implementer(s): Wittman, Samuel [swittman52 at gmail.com]
Wittman S, Abdala AP, Rubin JE. (2019). Reduced computational modelling of Kölliker-Fuse contributions to breathing patterns in Rett syndrome. The Journal of physiology. 597 [PubMed]