Brain Region/Organism: Brainstem

  1. A cortico-cerebello-thalamo-cortical loop model under essential tremor (Zhang & Santaniello 2019)
  2. A novel mechanism for ramping bursts based on slow negative feedback in model respiratory neurons (John et al., 2024)
  3. Borderline Personality Disorder (Berdahl, 2010)
  4. Brainstem circuits controlling locomotor frequency and gait (Ausborn et al 2019)
  5. Core respiratory network organization: Insights from optogenetics and modeling (Ausborn et al 2018)
  6. Dipolar extracellular potentials generated by axonal projections (McColgan et al 2017)
  7. Dopamine neuron of the vent. periaqu. gray and dors. raphe nucleus (vlPAG/DRN) (Dougalis et al 2017)
  8. Dynamics of ramping bursts in a respiratory pre-Botzinger Complex model (Abdulla et al, 2021)
  9. Exploring the role of Kӧlliker-Fuse nucleus in breathing variability via mathematical modeling (John et al., 2023)
  10. Function and energy constrain neuronal biophysics in coincidence detection (Remme et al 2018)
  11. Human sleep-wake regulatory network model (Gleit et al 2013, Booth et al 2017)
  12. Isolated pacemaker neuron from rodent respiratory CPG under voltage-clamp
  13. Model of AngII signaling and membrane electrophysiology (Makadia, Anderson, Fey et al., 2015)
  14. Modelling platform of the cochlear nucleus and other auditory circuits (Manis & Compagnola 2018)
  15. Neural mass model of the neocortex under sleep regulation (Costa et al 2016)
  16. Respiratory central pattern generator (mammalian brainstem) (Rubin & Smith 2019)
  17. Respiratory central pattern generator including Kolliker-Fuse nucleus (Wittman et al 2019)
  18. Respiratory control model with brainstem CPG and sensory feedback (Diekman, Thomas, and Wilson 2017)
  19. Respiratory control model with brainstem CPG and sensory feedback adapted for COVID-19 associated silent hypoxemia (Diekman et al., 2024)
  20. Zebrafish Mauthner-cell model (Watanabe et al 2017)
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