Raichle ME, Snyder AZ. (2007). A default mode of brain function: a brief history of an evolving idea. NeuroImage. 37 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Raichle ME · Snyder AZ

References and models cited by this paper
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Hilgetag CC, Kaiser M. (2010). Optimal hierarchical modular topologies for producing limited sustained activation of neural networks Front. Neuroinform.. 4(8)

Matsui H, Zheng M, Hoshino O. (2014). Facilitation of neuronal responses by intrinsic default mode network activity. Neural computation. 26 [PubMed]

Sanda P et al. (2024). Cholinergic modulation supports dynamic switching of resting state networks through selective DMN suppression. PLoS computational biology. 20 [PubMed]

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