Harper AA, Lawson SN. (1985). Electrical properties of rat dorsal root ganglion neurones with different peripheral nerve conduction velocities. The Journal of physiology. 359 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Harper AA · Lawson SN

References and models cited by this paper
References and models that cite this paper

Farooqui J, Nanivadekar AC, Capogrosso M, Lempka SF, Fisher LE. (2024). The effects of neuron morphology and spatial distribution on the selectivity of dorsal root ganglion stimulation. Journal of neural engineering. 21 [PubMed]

Zheng Y et al. (2019). Deep Sequencing of Somatosensory Neurons Reveals Molecular Determinants of Intrinsic Physiological Properties Neuron.

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