Turtle visual cortex model (Nenadic et al. 2003, Wang et al. 2005, Wang et al. 2006)

Nenadic Z, Ghosh BK, Ulinski P. (2003). Propagating waves in visual cortex: a large-scale model of turtle visual cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience. 14 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Nenadic Z · Ghosh BK · Ulinski P

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Wang W, Luo S, Ghosh BK, Ulinski PS. (2006). Generation of the receptive fields of subpial cells in turtle visual cortex. Journal of integrative neuroscience. 5 [PubMed]

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References and models cited by this paper

Bower JM, Beeman D. (1998). The Book Of Genesis: Exploring Realistic Neural Models With The General Neural Simulation System.

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Mancilla JG, Ulinski PS. (2003). Role of GABA(A)-mediated inhibition in controlling the responses of regular spiking cells in turtle visual cortex. Vis Neurosci. 18

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Mazurskaya PZ. (2003). Organization of receptive fields in the forebrain of Emys orbicularis. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 6

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Senseman DM, Robbins KA. (1998). Visualizing differences in movies of cortical activity IEEE Visualization. 98

Senseman DM, Robbins KA. (1999). Modal behavior of cortical neural networks during visual processing. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 19 [PubMed]

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References and models that cite this paper

Du X, Ghosh BK, Ulinski P. (2005). Encoding and decoding target locations with waves in the turtle visual cortex. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 52 [PubMed]

Du X, Ghosh BK, Ulinski P. (2006). Encoding of motion targets by waves in turtle visual cortex. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 53 [PubMed]

Nenadic Z, Ghosh BK, Ulinski P. (2003). Propagating waves in visual cortex: a large-scale model of turtle visual cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience. 14 [PubMed]

Robbins KA, Senseman DM. (2004). Extracting wave structure from biological data with application to responses in turtle visual cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience. 16 [PubMed]

Rulkov NF, Timofeev I, Bazhenov M. (2004). Oscillations in large-scale cortical networks: map-based model. Journal of computational neuroscience. 17 [PubMed]

Wang W, Campaigne C, Ghosh BK, Ulinski PS. (2005). Two cortical circuits control propagating waves in visual cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience. 19 [PubMed]

Wang W, Luo S, Ghosh BK, Ulinski PS. (2006). Generation of the receptive fields of subpial cells in turtle visual cortex. Journal of integrative neuroscience. 5 [PubMed]

Robbins KA, Senseman DM. (2004). Extracting wave structure from biological data with application to responses in turtle visual cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience. 16 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Robbins KA · Senseman DM

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Cosans CE, Ulinski PS. (1990). Spatial organization of axons in turtle visual cortex: intralamellar and interlamellar projections. The Journal of comparative neurology. 296 [PubMed]

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Mazurskaya PZ. (2003). Organization of receptive fields in the forebrain of Emys orbicularis. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 6

Mulligan KA, Ulinski PS. (1990). Organization of geniculocortical projections in turtles: isoazimuth lamellae in the visual cortex. The Journal of comparative neurology. 296 [PubMed]

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Nicolelis MA, Ghazanfar AA. (1999). Spatiotemporal properties of layer V neurons of the rat primary somatosensory cortex. Cereb Cortex. 9

Petersen CC, Grinvald A, Sakmann B. (2003). Spatiotemporal dynamics of sensory responses in layer 2/3 of rat barrel cortex measured in vivo by voltage-sensitive dye imaging combined with whole-cell voltage recordings and neuron reconstructions. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 23 [PubMed]

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Ulinski PS, Colombe JB. (2003). Temporal dispersion windows in cortical neurons. J Comput Neurosci. 7

Ulinski PS, Nautiyal J. (1988). Organization of retinogeniculate projections in turtles of the genera Pseudemys and Chrysemys. The Journal of comparative neurology. 276 [PubMed]

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See more from authors: Wang W · Campaigne C · Ghosh BK · Ulinski PS

References and models cited by this paper

Blanton MG, Kriegstein AR. (1992). Properties of amino acid neurotransmitter receptors of embryonic cortical neurons when activated by exogenous and endogenous agonists. Journal of neurophysiology. 67 [PubMed]

Blanton MG, Shen JM, Kriegstein AR. (1987). Evidence for the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid in aspiny and sparsely spiny nonpyramidal neurons of the turtle dorsal cortex. The Journal of comparative neurology. 259 [PubMed]

Bower JM, Beeman D. (1998). The Book Of Genesis: Exploring Realistic Neural Models With The General Neural Simulation System.

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Mancilla JG, Ulinski PS. (2003). Role of GABA(A)-mediated inhibition in controlling the responses of regular spiking cells in turtle visual cortex. Vis Neurosci. 18

Mancilla JG, Ulinski PS, Fowler M. (2003). Responses of regular spiking and fast spiking cells in turtle visual cortex to light flashes. Vis Neurosci. 15

Mulligan KA, Ulinski PS. (1990). Organization of geniculocortical projections in turtles: isoazimuth lamellae in the visual cortex. The Journal of comparative neurology. 296 [PubMed]

Nenadic Z, Ghosh BK, Ulinski P. (2003). Propagating waves in visual cortex: a large-scale model of turtle visual cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience. 14 [PubMed]

Nenadic Z, Ghosh BK, Ulinski PS. (2002). Modeling and estimation problems in the turtle visual cortex. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 49 [PubMed]

Nicolelis MA, Ghazanfar AA. (1999). Spatiotemporal properties of layer V neurons of the rat primary somatosensory cortex. Cereb Cortex. 9

Petersen CC, Grinvald A, Sakmann B. (2003). Spatiotemporal dynamics of sensory responses in layer 2/3 of rat barrel cortex measured in vivo by voltage-sensitive dye imaging combined with whole-cell voltage recordings and neuron reconstructions. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 23 [PubMed]

Petersen CC, Sakmann B. (2001). Functionally independent columns of rat somatosensory barrel cortex revealed with voltage-sensitive dye imaging. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 21 [PubMed]

Prechtl JC, Bullock TH, Kleinfeld D. (2000). Direct evidence for local oscillatory current sources and intracortical phase gradients in turtle visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97 [PubMed]

Prechtl JC, Cohen LB, Pesaran B, Mitra PP, Kleinfeld D. (1997). Visual stimuli induce waves of electrical activity in turtle cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94 [PubMed]

Robbins KA, Senseman DM. (2004). Extracting wave structure from biological data with application to responses in turtle visual cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience. 16 [PubMed]

Seidemann E, Arieli A, Grinvald A, Slovin H. (2002). Dynamics of depolarization and hyperpolarization in the frontal cortex and saccade goal. Science (New York, N.Y.). 295 [PubMed]

Senseman DM. (2003). Spatiotemporal structure of depolarization spread in cortical pyramidal cell populations evoked by diffuse retinal light flashes. Vis Neurosci. 16

Senseman DM, Robbins KA. (2002). High-speed VSD imaging of visually evoked cortical waves: decomposition into intra- and intercortical wave motions. Journal of neurophysiology. 87 [PubMed]

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Ulinski PS. (1999). Neural mechanisms underlying the analysis of moving visual stimuli Models of Cortical Circuitry.

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Wang W. (2006). Dynamics of the turtle visual cortex and design of sensor networks D.Sc. Thesis.

See more from authors: Wang W

References and models cited by this paper

Wang W, Luo S, Ghosh BK, Ulinski PS. (2006). Generation of the receptive fields of subpial cells in turtle visual cortex. Journal of integrative neuroscience. 5 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Wang W · Luo S · Ghosh BK · Ulinski PS

References and models cited by this paper

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Blanton MG, Shen JM, Kriegstein AR. (1987). Evidence for the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid in aspiny and sparsely spiny nonpyramidal neurons of the turtle dorsal cortex. The Journal of comparative neurology. 259 [PubMed]

Boiko VP. (1980). Responses to visual stimuli in thalamic neurons of the turtle Emys orbicularis. Neuroscience and behavioral physiology. 10 [PubMed]

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