Response properties of neocort. neurons to temporally modulated noisy inputs (Koendgen et al. 2008)

Wang XJ et al. (2004). The dynamical response of single cells to noisy time-varying currents Soc Neurosci Abstr.

See more from authors: Wang XJ · Giugliano M · Fusi S · Geisler C · Koendgen H · Luescher HR

References and models cited by this paper
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Köndgen H et al. (2008). The dynamical response properties of neocortical neurons to temporally modulated noisy inputs in vitro. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 18 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Köndgen H · Geisler C · Fusi S · Wang XJ · Lüscher HR · Giugliano M

References and models cited by this paper

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