Dynamics in random NNs with multiple neuron subtypes (Pena et al 2018, Tomov et al 2014, 2016)

Pena RFO, Zaks MA, Roque AC. (2018). Dynamics of spontaneous activity in random networks with multiple neuron subtypes and synaptic noise : Spontaneous activity in networks with synaptic noise. Journal of computational neuroscience. 45 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Pena RFO · Zaks MA · Roque AC

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Tomov P, Pena RF, Zaks MA, Roque AC. (2014). Sustained oscillations, irregular firing, and chaotic dynamics in hierarchical modular networks with mixtures of electrophysiological cell types. Frontiers in computational neuroscience. 8 [PubMed]

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