Model Concept: Audition

Auditory sensory (hearing) systems transduce variations in the pressure in air (or water) into electrical activity in the nervous system, where it is further analyzed.

  1. A dendritic disinhibitory circuit mechanism for pathway-specific gating (Yang et al. 2016)
  2. AP initiation and propagation in type II cochlear ganglion cell (Hossain et al 2005)
  3. Auditory nerve model for predicting performance limits (Heinz et al 2001)
  4. Auditory nerve spontaneous rate histograms (Jackson and Carney 2005)
  5. CN bushy, stellate neurons (Rothman, Manis 2003)
  6. Cochlea: inner ear models in Python (Zilany et al 2009, 2014; Holmberg M 2007)
  7. Cochlear implant models (Bruce et al. 1999a, b, c, 2000)
  8. Data-driven multiscale model of macaque auditory thalamocortical circuits reproduces in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al., 2023)
  9. Distributed representation of perceptual categories in the auditory cortex (Kim and Bao 2008)
  10. Duration-tuned neurons from the inferior colliculus of vertebrates (Aubie et al. 2012)
  11. Effects of the membrane AHP on the Lateral Superior Olive (LSO) (Zhou & Colburn 2010)
  12. Encoding and discrimination of vowel-like sounds (Tan and Carney 2005)
  13. High entrainment constrains synaptic depression in a globular bushy cell (Rudnicki & Hemmert 2017)
  14. Inner hair cell auditory nerve synapse model (Deligeorges, Mountain 1997)
  15. Integrate and fire model code for spike-based coincidence-detection (Heinz et al. 2001, others)
  16. Interaural time difference detection by slowly integrating neurons (Vasilkov Tikidji-Hamburyan 2012)
  17. Long-term adaptation with power-law dynamics (Zilany et al. 2009)
  18. Model of neural responses to amplitude-modulated tones (Nelson and Carney 2004)
  19. Models analysis for auditory-nerve synapse (Zhang and Carney 2005)
  20. Models for diotic and dichotic detection (Davidson et al. 2009)
  21. Multisensory integration in the superior colliculus: a neural network model (Ursino et al. 2009)
  22. Network models of frequency modulated sweep detection (Skorheim et al. 2014)
  23. Neural mass model of spindle generation in the isolated thalamus (Schellenberger Costa et al. 2016)
  24. Neural mass model of the sleeping thalamocortical system (Schellenberger Costa et al 2016)
  25. Opponent-channel model of the cortical representation of auditory space (Briley et al., 2012)
  26. Oscillating neurons in the cochlear nucleus (Bahmer Langner 2006a, b, and 2007)
  27. Parallel cortical inhibition processing enables context-dependent behavior (Kuchibhotla et al. 2016)
  28. Plasticity forms non-overlapping adjacent ON and OFF RFs in cortical neurons (Sollini et al 2018)
  29. Point process framework for modeling electrical stimulation of auditory nerve (Goldwyn et al. 2012)
  30. Predicting formant-frequency discrimination in noise (Tan and Carney 2006)
  31. Pyramidal neuron conductances state and STDP (Delgado et al. 2010)
  32. Response properties of an integrate and fire model (Zhang and Carney 2005)
  33. Revised opponent-channel model of auditory space cortical representation (Briley & Summerfield 2013)
  34. Simulating ion channel noise in an auditory brainstem neuron model (Schmerl & McDonnell 2013)
  35. Temperature-Dependent Pyloric Pacemaker Kernel (Caplan JS et al., 2014)
  36. Two Models for synaptic input statistics for the MSO neuron model (Jercog et al. 2010)
  37. Vibration-sensitive Honeybee interneurons (Ai et al 2017)
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