Model Concept: Synaptic Integration

These models study the way that information from either a single or multiple chemical and/or electrical synapses sum either linearly or non-linearly over time or simultaneously.

  1. 3D model of the olfactory bulb (Migliore et al. 2014)
  2. 3D olfactory bulb: operators (Migliore et al, 2015)
  3. A model of the femur-tibia control system in stick insects (Stein et al. 2008)
  4. A neuronal circuit simulator for non Monte Carlo analysis of neuronal noise (Kilinc & Demir 2018)
  5. A simplified cerebellar Purkinje neuron (the PPR model) (Brown et al. 2011)
  6. A two-stage model of dendritic integration in CA1 pyramidal neurons (Katz et al. 2009)
  7. Activity dependent changes in dendritic spine density and spine structure (Crook et al. 2007)
  8. Amyloid-beta effects on release probability and integration at CA3-CA1 synapses (Romani et al. 2013)
  9. Balance of excitation and inhibition (Carvalho and Buonomano 2009)
  10. CA1 pyr cell: Inhibitory modulation of spatial selectivity+phase precession (Grienberger et al 2017)
  11. CA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic integration (Bloss et al. 2016)
  12. CA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic integration (Jarsky et al. 2005)
  13. CA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic integration (Li and Ascoli 2006, 2008)
  14. CA1 pyramidal neuron: action potential backpropagation (Gasparini & Migliore 2015)
  15. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Dendritic Na+ spikes are required for LTP at distal synapses (Kim et al 2015)
  16. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Ih current (Migliore et al. 2012)
  17. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Persistent Na current mediates steep synaptic amplification (Hsu et al 2018)
  18. CA1 pyramidal neuron: rebound spiking (Ascoli et al.2010)
  19. CA1 pyramidal neuron: schizophrenic behavior (Migliore et al. 2011)
  20. CA1 Pyramidal Neuron: slow Na+ inactivation (Migliore 1996)
  21. CA1 pyramidal neurons: binding properties and the magical number 7 (Migliore et al. 2008)
  22. CA1 pyramidal neurons: effect of external electric field from power lines (Cavarretta et al. 2014)
  23. CA1 pyramidal neurons: effects of Kv7 (M-) channels on synaptic integration (Shah et al. 2011)
  24. CA3 Pyramidal Neuron (Migliore et al 1995)
  25. CA3 pyramidal neuron (Safiulina et al. 2010)
  26. Ca3 pyramidal neuron: membrane response near rest (Hemond et al. 2009)
  27. Calcium spikes in basal dendrites (Kampa and Stuart 2006)
  28. Cerebellar granule cell (Masoli et al 2020)
  29. Cerebellar Nucleus Neuron (Steuber, Schultheiss, Silver, De Schutter & Jaeger, 2010)
  30. Cerebellar purkinje cell (De Schutter and Bower 1994)
  31. Circadian rhythmicity shapes astrocyte morphology and neuronal function in CA1 (McCauley et al 2020)
  32. CN pyramidal fusiform cell (Kanold, Manis 2001)
  33. Coincidence detection in avian brainstem (Simon et al 1999)
  34. Coincidence detection in MSO principal cells (Goldwyn et al. 2019)
  35. Comparison of full and reduced globus pallidus models (Hendrickson 2010)
  36. Computational neuropharmacology of CA1 pyramidal neuron (Ferrante et al. 2008)
  37. Contrast invariance by LGN synaptic depression (Banitt et al. 2007)
  38. Cortical network model of posttraumatic epileptogenesis (Bush et al 1999)
  39. Dendritic Discrimination of Temporal Input Sequences (Branco et al. 2010)
  40. Dendritic processing of excitatory synaptic input in GnRH neurons (Roberts et al. 2006)
  41. Dentate gyrus granule cell: subthreshold signal processing (Schmidt-Hieber et al. 2007)
  42. Dentate gyrus network model (Santhakumar et al 2005)
  43. DG adult-born granule cell: nonlinear a5-GABAARs control AP firing (Lodge et al, 2021)
  44. Different responses of mice and rats hippocampus CA1 pyramidal neurons to in vitro and in vivo-like inputs (vitale et al., 2023)
  45. Distal inhibitory control of sensory-evoked excitation (Egger, Schmitt et al. 2015)
  46. Distance-dependent synaptic strength in CA1 pyramidal neurons (Menon et al. 2013)
  47. Distinct integration properties of noisy inputs in active dendritic subunits (Poleg-Polsky 2019)
  48. Effect of polysynaptic facilitaiton between piriform-hippocampal network stages (Trieu et al 2015)
  49. Effects of Dopamine Modulation and KIR Inactivation in NAc Medium Spiny Neurons (Steephen 2011)
  50. Effects of electric fields on cognitive functions (Migliore et al 2016)
  51. Effects of KIR current inactivation in NAc Medium Spiny Neurons (Steephen and Manchanda 2009)
  52. Effects of neural morphology on global and focal NMDA-spikes (Poleg-Polsky 2015)
  53. Effects of synaptic location and timing on synaptic integration (Rall 1964)
  54. Electrical compartmentalization in neurons (Wybo et al 2019)
  55. Electrical properties of dendritic spines (Popovic et al. 2015)
  56. Electrically-coupled Retzius neurons (Vazquez et al. 2009)
  57. Estimation of conductance in a conductance-based model of quadratic type (Vich & Guillamon 2015)
  58. Excitatory synaptic interactions in pyramidal neuron dendrites (Behabadi et al. 2012)
  59. Feedforward inhibition in pyramidal cells (Ferrante & Ascoli 2015)
  60. Function and energy constrain neuronal biophysics in coincidence detection (Remme et al 2018)
  61. Functional structure of mitral cell dendritic tuft (Djurisic et al. 2008)
  62. Gamma oscillations in hippocampal interneuron networks (Bartos et al 2002)
  63. Globus pallidus neuron models with differing dendritic Na channel expression (Edgerton et al., 2010)
  64. Glutamate mediated dendritic and somatic plateau potentials in cortical L5 pyr cells (Gao et al '20)
  65. GP Neuron, somatic and dendritic phase response curves (Schultheiss et al. 2011)
  66. Granule Cells of the Olfactory Bulb (Simoes_De_Souza et al. 2014)
  67. Heterogeneous Purkinje Cell model (Cirtala and De Schutter, 2024)
  68. Hippocampal CA3 thorny and a-thorny principal neuron models (Linaro et al in review)
  69. Human tactile FA1 neurons (Hay and Pruszynski 2020)
  70. Ih levels roles in bursting and regular-spiking subiculum pyramidal neurons (van Welie et al 2006)
  71. Inhibition of bAPs and Ca2+ spikes in a multi-compartment pyramidal neuron model (Wilmes et al 2016)
  72. Interacting synaptic conductances during, distorting, voltage clamp (Poleg-Polsky and Diamond 2011)
  73. Intracortical synaptic potential modulation by presynaptic somatic potential (Shu et al. 2006, 2007)
  74. Large scale model of the olfactory bulb (Yu et al., 2013)
  75. Layer V pyramidal cell functions and schizophrenia genetics (Mäki-Marttunen et al 2019)
  76. LGMD - ON excitation to dendritic field C
  77. LGMD impedance (Dewell & Gabbiani 2019)
  78. LGMD with 3D morphology and active dendrites (Dewell & Gabbiani 2018)
  79. Linear vs non-linear integration in CA1 oblique dendrites (Gómez González et al. 2011)
  80. MEC layer II stellate cell: Synaptic mechanisms of grid cells (Schmidt-Hieber & Hausser 2013)
  81. Mechanisms underlying subunit independence in pyramidal neuron dendrites (Behabadi and Mel 2014)
  82. Membrane potential changes in dendritic spines during APs and synaptic input (Palmer & Stuart 2009)
  83. Motoneuron model of self-sustained firing after spinal cord injury (Kurian et al. 2011)
  84. Multiplexed coding in Purkinje neuron dendrites (Zang and De Schutter 2021)
  85. Multiplication by NMDA receptors in Direction Selective Ganglion cells (Poleg-Polsky & Diamond 2016)
  86. NAcc medium spiny neuron: effects of cannabinoid withdrawal (Spiga et al. 2010)
  87. Neuronal computation evoked by extra-large spines (Obi-Nagata et al., 2023)
  88. NMDA receptors enhance the fidelity of synaptic integration (Li and Gulledge 2021)
  89. NMDA spikes in basal dendrites of L5 pyramidal neurons (Polsky et al. 2009)
  90. NN activity impact on neocortical pyr. neurons integrative properties in vivo (Destexhe & Pare 1999)
  91. Nonlinear dendritic processing in barrel cortex spiny stellate neurons (Lavzin et al. 2012)
  92. Olfactory Mitral cell: AP initiation modes (Chen et al 2002)
  93. Orientation selectivity in inhibition-dominated recurrent networks (Sadeh and Rotter, 2015)
  94. Parallel odor processing by mitral and middle tufted cells in the OB (Cavarretta et al 2016, 2018)
  95. Principles governing the operation of synaptic inhibition in dendrites (Gidon & Segev 2012)
  96. Pyramidal neurons switch from integrators to resonators (Prescott et al. 2008)
  97. Realistic barrel cortical column - Matlab (Huang et al., 2022)
  98. Realistic barrel cortical column - NetPyNE (Huang et al., 2022)
  99. Reduced-morphology model of CA1 pyramidal cells optimized + validated w/ HippoUnit (Tomko et al '21)
  100. Response to correlated synaptic input for HH/IF point neuron vs with dendrite (Górski et al 2018)
  101. Robust transmission in the inhibitory Purkinje Cell to Cerebellar Nuclei pathway (Abbasi et al 2017)
  102. Role of active dendrites in rhythmically-firing neurons (Goldberg et al 2006)
  103. Sensory-evoked responses of L5 pyramidal tract neurons (Egger et al 2020)
  104. Spatial summation of excitatory and inhibitory inputs in pyramidal neurons (Hao et al. 2010)
  105. Spiking GridPlaceMap model (Pilly & Grossberg, PLoS One, 2013)
  106. Spine head calcium in a CA1 pyramidal cell model (Graham et al. 2014)
  107. STDP and NMDAR Subunits (Gerkin et al. 2007)
  108. Striatal Spiny Projection Neuron, inhibition enhances spatial specificity (Dorman et al 2018)
  109. Synaptic integration by MEC neurons (Justus et al. 2017)
  110. Synaptic integration in tuft dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons (Larkum et al. 2009)
  111. Synaptic integration of an identified nonspiking interneuron in crayfish (Takashima et al 2006)
  112. Thalamic neuron, zebra finch DLM: Integration of pallidal and cortical inputs (Goldberg et al. 2012)
  113. Thalamocortical augmenting response (Bazhenov et al 1998)
  114. Using Strahler's analysis to reduce realistic models (Marasco et al, 2013)
  115. Voltage attenuation in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites (Golding et al 2005)
  116. Voltage- and Branch-specific Climbing Fiber Responses in Purkinje Cells (Zang et al 2018)
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